What I Believe
I believe in starting my day by sipping a cup of good
coffee, nestling in a cushy chair, reading the
newspaper and
spending time in prayer; I also believe in apple pie
for breakfast, just as my Grandpa taught me. I believe in exercising both the body and the mind,
and I believe knitting keeps me sane.
I believe in looking up at the sky. I believe in eating
locally, composting, recycling,
and leaving a smaller footprint.
I believe that teaching is head and heart work,
requiring knowledge, patience, understanding,
and stamina. I believe that reading and writing
can save us. I believe in my students,
even when they don't believe in themselves. I believe
that being a teenager is really tough, and
today's teenagers are stronger than most.
I believe in my family--my husband, my sons,
my daughter, my grandson, my son-in-law and
my daughter-in-law; we are stronger together than apart.
I believe my grandson is
a red-head, freckled-face package of
pure joy; no one in my family, especially him, should
reside farther away than a one-hour car trip.
I believe that most often the best heroes are unsung,
and that my father looms largest as my hero.
I believe in goodness, kindness, gratitude,
appreciation, and forgiveness. I believe that
labeling people is a problem and
calling someone a "retard" or “gay” is
as damaging as other profanities.
I believe it is unproductive to complain or whine,
even though I do...far too often. I believe in
the power of true friendship, the inherent
power of democracy, and that
a better world is possible if fighting over religion,
wealth, power, and privilege ceased.
I believe art, music, and poetry
help people slow down, listen, and think,
and a day empty of these is wasted.
I believe hope is extraordinarily powerful;
and I truly believe life is celebration
every, every day.