Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Yesterday and the day before were perfect June days---brilliant blue skies, low humidities, and temperatures in the 70's.  It feels good to breath in and be out on such days.

As part of Jim's recovery, we are walking every day. To make those walks more interesting, we are fashioning our own Centre County park tour.  Sunday, we strolled through Tudek Park. Monday, we walked the path at the Pennsylvania Military Museum in Boalsburg.  Yesterday, we hiked through Circleville Park.  Today is yet to unfold, but more than 35 local parks to choose from, plenty of options remain.

I often journal of the need to slow down and live life more deliberately.  Helping someone heal necessitates that.  It is challenging for Jim to sit more and do less while at the same time actively work to strengthen his body (and his spirit).  But it really is not so bad to have a fairly cleared calendar, hours of time at home, and the impetus to take more than one walk daily.

Enjoying more time for creative pursuits, I am finishing up a quilt for our granddaughter whose arrival is less than two months away.  My knitting time has been devoted to her as well.

For mother's day, my son sent me two wonderful sewing books:  Oliver + s: Little Things to Sew and Simple Sewing for Baby.  Both books are treasure troves of simple, charming patterns for the small ones in your life.  Desiring a little baby gift for a young couple at church, I stitched up some burp cloths.  From one idea I found online and from directions found in Simple Sewing for Baby, I created these in about an hour. The fabric, about a third of a yard, was a flannel remnant.

They are pretty cute as well as pretty easy to make if you need a quick gift.

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