Saturday, May 15, 2010

This and That

This morning was a perfect Saturday morning--the air clear, the sky brilliantly blue, and the Spring green abundantly revealed. After the crack-of-dawning cup of coffee and reading of our local paper, the day officially began with the making of this most delicious soup, destined for Sunday lunch, and while still in the kitchen, I made a batch of these for coffee hour tomorrow. Jim wanted to take a box of financial records to a local credit union, which yearly offers free shredding for contributions to our local food bank. Two big boxes of cereal bought us purged and shredded paper. Since we were going to be about, I suggested a trip to Way Fruit Farm in search of the North Carolinian strawberries (and they are really so sweet, just as advertised!) touted in their weekly email. Already out in the countryside, we continued to wind our way through fields and forests, ending up at Spruce Creek and the cemetery where my parents are buried. I was delighted to see that the VFW recently posted a brand new flag next to the headstone; Memorial Day is right around the corner. And all along the knitting needles followed, clicking out their subtly relaxing mantra.

I believe in the profoundly restorative value of time to putz and time to wander.

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