Last night I finished a Guidepost Knit for Kids Sweater. I used yarn my son gave me for Christmas to fashion an alternating, striping pattern. For many years, ladies in our church have been knitting up this simple pattern, boxing up stacks of sweaters and sending them off so that children all over the world might have a hand knit sweater. It is an old practice, knitting for others in need. I enjoy reading about women in wartime throughout the ages who knit socks, vests, hats, or gloves for soldiers. Now it seems you can find endless groups to knit for--Warm Up America, Afghans for Afghans, The Mother Bear Project, Caps for the Cure.....etc. I highly reccommend the book Knitting for Peace:Make the World a Better Place Once Stitch at a Time for ways to use yarn and hands to warm others.
Oh it looks beautiful--so nice to see it finished! I love this patter actually and almost wish it came in adult sizes!