Last weekend I made two bedtime bags, based on a pattern from Amanda Blake Soule's The Creative Family. One bag belongs to my dear grandson Alexander, and the other is for Kate, the daughter of my colleague and friend Chrissy. It was really fun to pick fabric, thread, and sew once again. These bags are intended to hold a pair of pajamas and a book. Alexander's bag now hangs on his bedpost...
Summer fading, winter comes—
Frosty mornings, tingling thumbs,
Window robins, winter rooks,
And the picture story-books.
All the pretty things put by,
Wait upon the children’s eye,
Sheep and shepherds, trees and crooks,
In the picture story-books.
We may see how all things are,
Seas and cities, near and far,
And the flying fairies’ looks,
In the picture story-books.
excerpt from
”Picture-books in Winter”
Robert Louis Stevenson
What a treasure this is--as was your visit to our home!!! I love you!