Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mitts, Mitts, and More Mitts

I love making and wearing mitts.  With at least half a dozen mitt patterns already knit, I probably have a dozen more patterns downloaded to try.  On these cool, late-fall mornings, I enjoy rooting through the jumble of hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves in our winter woolen basket to select a pair of mitts from my own personal stash.  Encountering almost blustery weather during after-school bus duty this week, I was especially grateful to have grabbed a pair of mitts on my morning dash out the door.

Thanksgiving arrives next week, and Christmas soon follows.  For some reason, I feel a bit slow on the knitting uptake for this holiday gift-giving season.  In years past,  my Christmas knitting list was well formed by the time school began in September.  But this Fall, I have been knitting just a lot of mitts (some of these and some of these). Even though I am still uncertain who will be gifted from the pile sitting in the cedar chest, I do  know lots of fingers will be free and many hands will be warm.  Mitts are good for that.