My son is getting married in one month. This past weekend, I, and my North Carolinian daughter, gathered a group of friends, and cooked up hot chicken salad for a luncheon to honor the bride-to-be. This lively group of favorite women shared a lovely meal (replete with a scrumptious dessert buffet provided by my friends), laughter, and great storytelling, prompted by recipes shared and kitchen gadgets gifted. It is a joyful thing to anticipate a new daughter joining our family...
In a previous post, I wrote of skirt sewing. Yesterday, I finally finished hemming two skirts, one to be shipped off to my daughter in North Carolina and the other to be sent to my new daughter-in-law-to-be, who lives in Harrisburg.
Sounds like a wonderful event! It's countdown time...to the beach and then the wedding! See you soon.