Next weekend, I will be retreating, driving away from home and into the mountains about an hour away to spend two days with about two dozen women at one of my favorite places--Bethany Retreat Center. Bethany, a contemplative community and center, was born and raised by an amazing woman, Sister Therese Dush, who is one of the most inspiring women I have ever met. To prepare, I, along with the rest of the planning committee, met this morning to stuff retreat folders and tie up last minute details. The retreat theme focuses on transforming ones mind, and our symbol is the butterfly, so I did some crocheting this week, hooking up some butterflies. Crocheting is one skill I can honestly say I taught myself by just following easy-to-read directions. I have enjoyed simple crochet projects occasionally (like a granny square afghan), and knowing how to crochet has helped me finish off many a knitting project. I once did a lot of cross stitch embroidery and recently, have considered bringing out my old needles and floss. I also have done crewel work and some needlepoint. And now with my latest foray back to sewing, I suppose I can honestly claim a certain expertise in the needle arts which gives me a modicum of feminine (and feminist!) pride. However, knitting is still my favorite among all the needle arts and the lure of new yarns and patterns to conquer remains as the strongest siren call to my hands.
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