It is the dulling season, and I feel things slowing, hibernating in a variety of ways. The cold wave upon us (-3 degrees on the thermometer this morning) imprisons us because even a few minutes outside is too much. Exercise feels unattainable and my urge to stir up a batch of chocolate chip cookies wars with the dismay I feel over a scale inching upward. Obviously, I am cocooning...
Apparently that sense of sluggishness manifests itself in the focus of my knitting this week. I have been working on easy, mindless projects—using comfortable and quick patterns to work through small skeins of Morehouse Farm Merino purchased for Barbara and Alex’s Christmas mittens. I haven’t felt the urge to tackle a bigger project, although a lovely bag of Debbie Bliss Aran Tweed beckons me to begin Alexander’s birthday vest. It is time to jump start my metabolism, physically, emotionally, and spiritually…
These look great!!