Old habits really never die, do they? Monday morning, I outline my week, substituting my former class "agenda" with what I label on my desktop as a "to list." This was the that week that just was:
Week of May 13
Work out
Meet with Matt’s staff
Calling Committee
Hand quilting
Sewing Circle
Lexicon Ladies
Meet and Greet Early Intervention staff
Work out
Meet with Colleen O’B
Celebration of the Arts
Pen Pal Meet and Greet
Out of the Cold Meeting
Pick up Vidalia Onions
Deliver chairs for reupholstering to Williamsport
I pray I may never take the gift of time, of these retirement years, for granted:
my days are filled with the gifts of many good things...
I have to adopt the idea of weekly planning. I already do that after a fashion. I make a daily 'to do' list with so many things that it takes a week to complete. But then I'm all discouraged. I need to get real. :)