Monday, December 31, 2012

The New Year spreads before us

"Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls." --Jeremiah 6: 16

2013 begins in little more than half a day.  A new calendar, a new year, and a new journey spread out before us.

I end this year by mailing off this fennel green kerchief to join a stack of others made by a group of knitters using their needles to send comfort to the teachers of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.  In the aftermath of unspeakable tragedy and horror, I, like so many others, wanted to do something...anything to join my voice and heart to the national lament.  It felt a strange solace to to add my name to a Ravelry list of knitters, and it feels oddly right to have these comfort scarves destined for teachers--from this teacher to another.  I chose the color fennel which in the language of flowers means strength, a commodity these heroic educators must summon in great measure as they minister in their classrooms with their kids in the days and months to come.

In addition to picking up my needles, I am also exercising my democratic right to speak my mind, sending weekly emails to all my state and federal senators, representatives, and the Speaker of the House John Boehner, urging them as my elected representatives to act quickly to ban the buying and selling of these deadly weapons and clips containing dozens of bullets.  My fervent prayer for this new year is that an end might come to such senseless tragedies, and that together we as nation we may travel a better path.

(Thank you Dick for the words of wisdom from Jeremiah...)  

1 comment:

  1. lovely gesture. I like the idea of one of the Sandy Hook teachers being wrapped in the love of your hand knit kerchief. And I concur with your new year's prayer...
    Happy New Year!
    love, Margie
