The morning news promises a rainy day on this Monday morning. But even though it is a rainy day and a Monday, neither will get me down...and that is good news indeed. You see, two weeks ago we learned that my husband will be having open heart surgery two weeks from today, and truthfully, since that time, I have felt as if a raincloud hovers overhead, blocking the sun from my spirits. But over these past five days, I have felt my heart lift and lighten....
Our daughter and grandson spent four days here. How can one feel gloomy with this face toddling around the house?
On Saturday, a brilliant, blue-sky day, I enjoyed a charming and joy-filled afternoon with my dear friend Carol and her vivacious daughter Margo who make me smile just by being around them.
And together in a room full of happiness, we celebrated the upcoming wedding of one the purest and sweetest souls I know.
Then, yesterday, I gathered with several other pure souls, The Disciples' Class, my son's Sunday School Class while we shared a breakfast together, ending our Sunday year in high spirits. I love these men and the women in my church who love them too.
I worship in a liturgical church and more and more as I age and life's mysteries seem to clarify and deepen, I find comfort and meaning in the ancient ways and words of my faith traditions. Each week before we partake of Holy Communion, we say these words:
"The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them to the Lord."
I love the image of lifting up our hearts. It never fails when I say those words, my heart really does lift...above the storm clouds that hover, and beyond the fears I harbor, moving nearer to the one who holds it all so gently. It is so very right to "give thanks to the Lord our God." And thus today I do, with a softer more trusting heart.