I always begin summer with a pretty ambitious "to do" list. The ever-evolving list sits in the top left corner of my laptop, written on a digital stickie note. I must say, I am not unhappy with what I have accomplished this summer. My reading log lists nine books, two of the books rather large tomes (The Story of Edgar Sawtelle and The Mists of Avalon). I knit two pair of socks, oodles of washcloths (look at earlier post), a chemo cap, a pair of bulky mittens and two felted purses. Sewing projects included skirts for both my daughter and new daughter-in-law, a lunch bag, and lining for one of the felted purses.
Our son got married to a beautiful woman on a glorious summer day. We biked, vacationed with family, enjoyed our grandson, ate at an Amish farm, visited our son's new classroom, and sat atop Mount Nittany to celebrate Jim's birthday dinner. I canned, cooked, and froze enough to content my homemaking heart and fill my freezer. Gracie, our darling cat, arrived to live and lounge among us. I regret not cleaning more (but not overly much) or working outside as often as I typically do; overall, I pronounce it a very good summer.
Monday, school starts...