I am a practicing Lutheran who just returned from a gathering of women, held at a Catholic retreat center where I spent almost 24 hours talking and pondering what it would have been like to sit at the feet of the Jewish rabbi Jesus. My conclusion? There is one God, who reigns over all, regardless of how we in our limited vision chose to parse it out. The details we quibble over are probably not all that important. What I learned are best summed up in a few Hebrew words and ideas.
The daily devotional piety of the the Jewish faith historically is summarized in the term kavanah, which is attentiveness to God, an act or appreciation of being able to stand in presence of God. This attentiveness should be applied to four activities: prayer, studying scriptures, performing acts of lovingkindness and doing our life’s work.
By "stringing pearls," linking together text after text and bringing together different passages from different places, we are able to explore great spiritual truths
Haver means literally a “friend.” “Studying Scripture with haverim was considered essential to the Hebrews. Today this also this affirms our need for community as we seek to understand Scripture.”
“Barukh atah, Adoiai Elohenu, Melek Ha-oloam..”
Blessed are you, O Lord God, King of the universe.