One of my "kids" is having a kid. I often refer to my students as my kids, even though sometimes I censor myself because I think that what to me is a term of endearment may sound somehow less than that to others who know I teach young adults--high school students. And one of my kids, a darling of mine (even though I try NOT to have favorites), is having a baby...really soon.
Some may say she is not school-smart, but I say she is life-smart, coupled with common sense (something in rather short supply of late). I am proud of her that she plans to deliver this baby naturally, and delighted that she intends to breast feed. I am pleased (and even somewhat amazed!) she has read and even quoted to me from the book I gave her--What to Expect When You Are Expecting; she will be a good mother. She is an amazing cook--the "best Sous- Chef" our Culinary Arts teacher has ever had. She is leader. She is passionate. She is tenacious. And she is a good human being. So here is baby Cheyenne's blanket, a token of my abiding affection and belief in her Mama and a symbol of comfort and hope for this little girl's future.